Sky - Above Cam
Some brief information about the sky cam project

The stainless steel Garden Ball sky cam project works really well as it is  The camera I have used is a waterproof outdoor Dome colour security camera, 1/3" SONY ICX639BK CCD 600TV  LINES LOW ILLUMINATION ,DWDR,DNR ,it has been modified so the Infrared LEDs are disabled and the black and white night mode as also been disabled, as I only want this camera to record clouds, the lux on this camera does not go down enough to enable to Capture nighttime images This camera cost  £29 .99  The garden stainless steel ball cost approximately £6.70, the stainless steel ball is cut in half and is mounted on a box, the camera is mounted on a Pole and is fixed to the box,  sometimes when it rains you can get some condensation on the outside of the lens This does clear very quickly but what will happen is the images will become slightly foggy,as soon as the condensation clears the images because clear, you could mount a small resistor that would act as a heater this would eliminate this problem ,Please note you don't have to cut the stainless steel ball in half, you can use a deeper box and just have half the dome protruding The skycam images are in colour during the daytime, automatically the image changes to black-and-white at dusk

Summary of day image gives you an overview of the sky conditions (single column of image throughout past 24 hours.
We are using All Sky Cam Uploader software for windows from Moonglow technologies
150mm Stainless ball cut in half to form the mirror dome

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The heater has now been installed into the camera housing, it consists of (4) -10 Ohm wire wound resistor, the centre of the circuit board has a hole cut out to allow the lens protrude through,

I am using a  StarTech SVID2USB2 USB 2.0 S-Video/Composite video Capture device in the software settings you can set the image to be flipped vertical or horizontal or both , and there is a noise reduction mask setting

I have used the EasyCAP USB 2.0 Video And Audio Capture Card which worked very well, but did not have in the software away to vertical flip the image and flip horizontal   This is one of the  cheapest USB video capture device I've come across  approximately £6.00

Compare the summary past 24 hour image  single column data.  with the infrared cloud temperature sensor data. You will see how much cloud through the day has occurred and you will see the blue clear sky.  If you compare this with the infrared sky. temperature sensor graph your notice where there is a blue sky.  The infrared  sky temperature  drops below -10c the  clearer the  sky  is  the lower the infrared sky temperature  records,   when the sky temperature and the ambient temperature all the same , the sky is overcast  ,

The Sky temperature will  drop to the relevant cloud conditionsfrom ( Overcast, Cloudy,  Partly Cloudy, Clear )
Night Time  -10 to -27° , the lower the sky temperature to clear the sky (Clarity 50 -- 0)

Sky Cam Project
Platform and mounting brackets have been refurbished and redesigned March 2018
Skycam - above  was made in-house
by Michael Parry-Thomas 2012©
Video Sequence- Image Summary-------Weather conditions at the time the image was saved-----Calendar to view images from particular day