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Note: when installing   1 wire drivers  do not  plug in  your  adapter,  install drivers first.

How to configure  a soil  moisture module  self-contained (1) install the 1 wire  drivers for your DS9490R USB To 1-wire IButton Adapter . (2) install hobby boards moisture  meter datalogger software

Connect the necessary soil moisture sensors or  leaf wetness sensors  to the datalogger,  next install batteries.


Plugin your 1-wire usb IButton Adapter to your laptop then connect  the RJ45 plug in to centre  of the datalogger.

Start the  hobby board  moisture meter  datalogger software, a window will appear see (fig 1a)

(1) set the clock time  and date

(2) Set the locking  frequency

(3) Set how many sensors you have attached  for monitoring

(4)  temperature sensor set internal or external

Then disconnect the datalogger  from your laptop

Your datalogger will now record  and save the data to the internal memory
Data retrieval

Connect your  datalogger to your laptop  using your 1 wire adapter
it's important to create a log file first, see (fig 2b)

Click on the                      this will open a window  where you create a log file type in a log file name  eg log.txt  then click save indicated by the green tick


The next stage is to get the data into the log file

In the window information log ,you should have the location to the log file  you created eg. c/users\Mick\desktop\log.txt

Then click on  save log this will transfer the data  from your datalogger  to the file on your computer

To clear the datalogger data click on Erase device

Michael Parry-Thomas
Weather above.com

Example of log file, data from one  wet leaf sensor