projects --- Using Sheepwalk electronics module board
Solar sensor mod Using a SWE3 Sheepwalk electronics module board
Humidity Sensor Probe Mod Using a SWE3 Sheepwalk electronics module board
Humidity Sensor Probe in side a Solar radiation aspirated shield
Small circuit board to mount the humidity sensor
My solar radiation aspirated shield has mounting holes for the temperature and humidity sensor .I have found the humidity sensor is very accurate for about two years, so I wanted to make this easy to replace the humidity sensor. I made a small circuit board which has 90° angle header pins, the cable lead was made up by soldering some small header pin sockets, then simply pushed in the small circuit board into the relevant socket pins.
By using the SWE3 Sheepwalk electronics module board this makes this project easy to complete an accurate set of weather sensors.
My 1 wire weather station network has a power injection module. This supplies a 12 V DC feed on the white and brown cable (7) and a 5V DC on the solid green wire (2)
You can simply use the 5 V to power this module. I have so many modules using the 5 V power line. I decided to add a voltage regulator ,this regulator uses a 12 V DC input. Then the regulator output is dropped down to 5 Vdc which is powering my solar module, I have the small jumper set to external