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MyLightningDetection: Statistics



Longtime statistics

All information here is updated since begin of the recording of MyLightningDetection. The distances refer to the location of station Cheddleton Nr.Leek.

Station Cheddleton Nr.Leek

  • Strokes detected: 910,207
  • Station active: 989.5 days
  • Station inactive: 163.4 days (55.1 hours without GPS)
  • Max stroke count per hour: 3,151
  • Max stroke count per day: 17,814 (2016-06-07)
  • Max stroke count per day (< 622mi) : 15,144 (2016-06-07)
  • Minimum distance: 0.2mi
  • Maximum distance: 6,872.8mi
  • Signals detected: 0
  • Stroke ratio: 0.7%
  • Locating ratio: -
  • Max signal count per hour: 41,386

Lightning network

  • Max stroke count per hour: 35,906
  • Max stroke count per day: 605,021 (2017-06-25)
  • Max stroke count per day (< 622mi) : 405,323 (2017-07-19)
  • Minimum distance: 0.2mi
  • Maximum distance: 11,098.5mi
  • Max signal count per hour: 13,676,672
  • Max participants per stroke: 737
  • Max active stations: 1
  • Max available stations: 1


  • Begin of data collection: 2015-08-19 02:19:11
  • Lightning data imports: 301,385
  • Traffic to Blitzortung.org: 24,576 kB/Day

Stroke ratio by distance

This graph shows the stroke ratio over distance since start of data collecting.


Stroke ratio by bearing

This graph shows the stroke ratio over geographic direction since start of data collecting.
