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How to Make the Sky IR Sensors + UV ,Solar,Light ,

Download  Python I am useing windows xp
PICAXE Programming Editor

The latest version of the Programming Software
downloaded from the following website:


Step 1
Step 2
load the pwm_test.zip program to the picaxe
Open the folder where you saved them, first click python-2.7.4.msi to install Python, when this is completed click on pyserial-2.5.win32.exe to install the serial extension code.

Next find idle.bat in C:\Python27\Lib\idlelib, create a shortcut and put it on your desktop.

idle is the programming editor we will use for Python.

Click on the shortcut and the editor will open, it will look like this.
Please click on the image for a larger size
At the >>> prompt type print "hello" and hit enter, it should display hello.


Download the zip file and extract the files, load the python_test.bas programme to the picaxe using the  programming editor.

When the PC is not requesting data it will just loop waiting for a data request. Looks like:
The picaxe editor window should look like this, the programme is designed to timeout so it doesn't get stuck so don't worry about seeing those.
The serial port is set to COM7 you will  need to change .
The folder for the data file is set to 'c:\skytemp\skylog.txt' you can choose your own location but if you do you must change those two lines:
Note that Python needs the "\" in the paths to be written as "\\"

pwm_test.bas. This turns the heater (and led) on and off about once a second, so you should see pulses at the FET drain when the led is on, and 12 volts when the led is off. The pulses should go very close to 0 volts.
load the ir_test.zip program to the picaxe
ir_test.bas. to test the infrared sensor load the ir_test.bas to the picaxe run the programme positioning your hand over the infrared sensor you should see temperature increase
ds18b20.bas. To test the ambient temperature sensor load the ds18b20.bas to the picaxe run the programme hold the temperature sensor between your fingers  the temperature should alter.
load the ds18b20.zip program to the picaxe
load the led_test.zip program to the picaxe
  led_test.bas. to test the Leds   led_test.bas. to the picaxe run the programme leds should flash.
The Python script 6 will work with the latest Picaxe  firmware 6   .  If you do not use the UV, solar, light sensors add-on, you need to ground the input pin on the main board ,After completing the tests please load the full functioning script and firmware  _1_py3x w temp_7c.bas to the picaxe, the and load the skytemp-v6.pyw into - Python

Schematic artwork, Circuit board artwork where redrawn  from diagrams supplied by  "Niko of weather-watch" functional test programmes supplied by "Niko of weather-watch"  Thank you for all the help. Circuit boards, were made in-house assembled and tested Weather-Above.com
Next check that serial has installed correctly, at the prompt type import serial and hit enter, if there is a problem with serial there will be an error message, otherwise it should just return to the prompt. If it looks like this then all is OK