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Plantronics USB CS60 Wireless Headset
Plantronics wireless USB CS60  this microphone has been out for quite some time now. The microphone module can be attached to different styles of headbands these include behind the head style,and over head style. There is also the simple ear  type mounting styles for Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I recommend using the overhead style this makes the headset very stable and very comfortable to wear.The headset is very light and has a very good battery life. I've tested this microphone using Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 15.61 with the television on in the background, I find the accuracy amazing. It's important to make a good profile in Dragon NaturallySpeaking. After making the profile go into the audio settings in the toolbar of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, then read text to improve accuracy. Each time you read a new article Dragon NaturallySpeaking improves its accuracy as it learns the way you use words from your vocabulary , this is only achievable by using a quality microphone.  You can still get hold of the Plantronics wireless USB CS60  headset from online stores Plantronics they have brought out a replacement model  called Plantronics Savi W440 USB Headset,  I have not tested Savi W440 USB Headset so I cannot comment on its performance and the accuracy.

To help me with my dyslexia I use Dragon natural speaking pro. My current headset is the Plantronics wireless USB CS 60
well built, excellent noise cancellation, and it's my favourite I use this on the day to day basis