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Cheddleton Air quality
Please note when comparing with official measured values:
The official values ??are usually daily averages. The sensor measures every 2 1/2 minutes, so they fluctuate much more. The values ??make no claim to exact accuracy. The sensor used is a PM2.5 sensor. The PM10 value is estimated and can therefore be less accurate. Individual stations can deliver implausible values. In the case of high humidity, especially fog, the values ??can be significantly higher, since the official stations measure the dried fine dust. Fine dust particles condensed by moisture can increase the negative health effects of fine dust, especially in smog situations. In this respect, the sensor values ??provide important additional information.However, the µg / m3 scale cannot be used directly in such situations, but can only serve as an orientation. A moisture correction is in preparation. The aim is to provide an additional value that is more comparable to the official values.